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NY Times Video on Prepaid Debit Cards

Prepaid Cards the Less Expensive Alternative

According to an economic study just released, consumers who opt to use a network branded prepaid card could pay as much as 35-70% less in fees compared to low balance checking and debit accounts, making prepaid cards a far more cost-effective, valuable financial tool for many.

The comparative economic analysis was conducted by economist Michael Flores of Bretton Woods, Inc, an expert on financial institutions. The study analyzed a range of payments options available to consumers, and their relative costs and benefits. It also looked at various kinds of prepaid cards, including analyzing the cost and benefits of both general purpose reloadable cards (the kind consumers buy for themselves) as well as prepaid cards tied to direct deposit (these are most often used by state governments to deliver benefits, by companies for payroll, etc.). While smaller studies have been done in the past, this is the first, comprehensive study that compares the costs of prepaid cards in the context of alternative financial tools.

Customized Gift Cards Take Off

Thousands of companies from restaurants to hardware stores offer personalized cards. With that influx have come diversified business models – such as virtual cards – that increase potential for revenue and customer retention. How has this personalization affected the gift card market? .

When Starbucks launched its customizable gift card program in 2007, it forever changed the prepaid giving market. The coffee company’s cards weren’t the first from a brick-and-mortar business that consumers could design and personalize with inscriptions on the Internet, but the program did set off enormous demand among other retailers. Now thousands of companies from restaurants to hardware stores offer personalized cards. With that influx have come diversified business models – such as virtual cards – that increase potential for revenue and customer retention.